Meeting and event facilities for all your needs

Isku Center rents out meeting and event facilities. Facilities are available between 8 am and 4 pm or by arrangement.

Ask for more information and make your booking:

Marika Skytz, Executive assistant,, puh. +358 44 792 3615


Vasara is a meeting room for 11 people near Isku’s entrance.

Every conference room contains presentation and video conference equipment.

Canon Print in City -printing option.


Price 30€/h (vat 0%)


Höylä is a meeting room for 7 people near Isku’s entrance.

Every conference room contains presentation and video conference equipment.

Canon Print in City -printing option.


Price 30€/h (vat 0%)


The Auditorium is located in Isku’s showroom and has room for 120 people.



Wired and wireless internet

Logic controlled AV system


Wireless microphones

Sound system

2 PC ports, video and audio

  • video connector analog VGA (HD15)
  • with an adapter also e.g. digital HDMI
  • audio connector 3.5 mm (analog, stereo plug)


Taltta is a meeting room for 16 people near Isku’s entrance.

Every conference room contains presentation and video conference equipment.

Canon Print in City -printing option.


Price 60€/h (vat 0%)